bespoke analytics

Shipify Light

Shipify Light is the best solution for data collection with manual inputs.

Shipify Light



Hull Condition

Shipify Light



Shipify Light via a high-level noon reports analysis, enables the users to identify the hull and propeller condition via:

-Propeller slip deviation trend for a user defined period / draught/ weather conditions and more, comparing the calculated performance
speed with the engine speed

-Overall hull condition monitoring via a degradation trend of the vessel’s achieved performance speed from the ship-specific model calculated speed

Main Machinery KPIs

Shipify Light




M/E and D/Gens sfoc deviation trend from as-built machinery-specific models enabling the user to identify overtime deterioration of machinery condition

M/E and D/Gens sfoc deviation KPI indicating the effect of an intervention to the condition of the machinery

Charter Party Compliance

Shipify Light




Charter Party compliance is now easy to assess via the CP Analytics Module.

Get a quick comparison of the daily Speed and ME consumption with the instructed figures. The Report Status will provide you with a complete overview of each day’s CP performance.

Fleet Statistics

Shipify Light



Get your vessel’s operational statistics, fuel consumptions and running hours per machinery. Compare your fleet and obtain valuable information and KPIs of the GHG emissions’ footprint of your company all in one place in Shipify Light’s Statistics Module.

The year round CII grade overview of your fleet is your ally on the CO2 regulations’ compliance.

CO2 Emissions Module

Shipify Light




Make your EU/UK MRV and IMO DCS certification easy and efficient. Shipify Light CO2 Emissions Module collects pre-validated reports and provides you with alerts for trouble-free monitoring.

The annual submission to the verifiers is now one export away.

CII Module

Shipify Light




Get Charter party Voyage CII and year-to-date mean CII Attained

CII Calculator Tool for a forthcoming voyage and its effect to the current’s year attained CII

Future Solutions




Before choosing your solution tool, together, we will carefully analyze your business circumstances, your strategy and your attitude towards your aims.

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